Cancer is Dangerous not Deadly

Cancer is Dangerous – Our Mishandling makes it Deadly

There is no dispute that Cancer is a Dangerous disease. I would say that unlike Diabetes, Hyper tension or any autoimmune disease, cancer is not taken lightly. Although, one can easily survive or live with this disease, same like with Diabetes Mellitus or Chronic Asthma.

What makes it more Dangerous?

  1.  It is easy to cover primary stage cancers but most of the cancers are diagnosed at advance stage which highly reduces chances of survival.
  2. Cost of the allopathic treatment for cancer in modern science forces the average family to down on knees.

Reality of cancer handling team 
  • Modern science focuses on removing abnormal cells by surgery, chemo and radiation. Cancer goes away on that instant but in most cases it regenerates within few months to few years. Few Oncologists suggest modification in life style and none refer to Naturopath for lifestyle modification and diet change after completion of his role. This happens because Naturopath and Ayurveda practitioners are not included as a part of commission based referral chain. Also it happens because there are very few Alternative Therapists practicing Naturpathy and Ayurveda with scientific approach. They too are considered as illiterate false practitioners amongst the group of others.
  • The cancers diagnosed in later stages and spread into other organs (Metastatis) are not the cases which may be treated with allopathy. It is because body cannot tolerate the treatment. Such cases must be considered as Rehabilitative care or Palliative care cases but unfortunately doctor keep trying to churn water to get butter. Such patients must choose scientific nature care.  I have witnessed thousand of terminal cases to survive for years by adopting healthy – natural life style and consuming anti cancer food and herbs.
  • Actually a fighter never dies with Cancer. He dies natural death although having cancer in his body. I have many case studies in which patient did not know about cancer and were told that they are suffering with other complications and their improvement was amazing. Have faith on my words…. Cancer can not kill you; it is fear of cancer which kills….. Unfortunately, Corporate Health industry tries their level best to threaten you so they can sell their products.

 How we contribute to change status of Cancer from Dangerous to Deadly?

  1.   Most of healthy people believe that their body is cancer proof, and they will continue spoiling their body with cancer causing agents like tobacco – carcinogenic substances and unhealthy lifestyle.
  2. When cancer is diagnosed, we surrender and once one has surrendered he will be killed within few months.
  3. We find solution of cancer only in allopathy and if go for traditional treatment methods then also we chose the practitioner who is not qualified Naturopath, Vaidya or Homeopath.
  4.  We believe that once the cancer is treated then it won’t reoccur …. We do not change life style.

Dr. Anilkesar Gohil
Oncology Naturopath
Director, Maa Kaamal Cancer Hospital
Vyara, Surat ( Gujarat)
Mobile: 9374633042

Any queries, feel free to write me to :

*Maa Kaamal Cancer Hospital, Vyara is the state of art Panchgavya – Ayurveda and Naturopathy based cancer hospital located in the lap of mother nature, Results are amazing*


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